The 4 Best-Reviewed Dental Health Bones for Dogs

When it comes to the growing and ever-changing dental dog bone market, it’s important to make sure you know what’s popular, what new ingredients and regulations are coming down the pike, and, of course, what consumers are saying about the dental health bones for dogs on shelves. 

Keeping your finger on the pulse of the industry can be critical, and goes hand in hand with knowing who the key players in the space are. 

At Indigenous Pet Products, it’s our mission and passion to provide the best, science-backed dog dental health bones. To do this, we’ve become intimately familiar with the space, and what is and is not considered a high-quality dog bone. 

In this article, we’re highlighting four of the most popular dental dog bone brands, and giving you an overview of what consumers are saying about them. By the end of the article, you’ll have a clear understanding of who the key players are, what differentiates them, and what customers are saying about them.

We’ll be covering:


About the Brand

Greenies dental health bones for dogs come recommended by the Veterinary Association, and are made with an average of 30 ingredients.

What Consumers Are Saying

“My 3 dogs each get one greenie every morning after breakfast. They love those things! One of them will try to get me to give him the greenie first because he would rather have that than his food, that’s how much he loves it. The vet has given all 3 of my dogs thumbs up for their dental hygiene and told me “Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.” —SJG via Chewy

“My puppy absolutely loves these treats. I am happy that they are cleaning his teeth while he is enjoying them.” — Jett via Chewy

“These are perfect size for a 1-2 treat loving beagle. Not too small, not too big, and she can have 2 in a day some days, which makes her very happy.” — BeagleLove via Chewy

“We have given our dogs Greenies for at least the past 20 years. They help with tartar and the dogs always seem to be thrilled to get them. I’m doing something a little different with my current 2 Springer Spaniels (about 40 lbs each). They each get a Teenie Greenie for dessert after their 2 meals. They do need to chew them, even if they are a lot smaller than the more appropriate size for their weight. It works very well!” — Chris via Chewy

“This is a great, favorite treat, and it really does help keep the dog’s teeth clean and breath smelling good.” — Lynne via Chewy


About the Brand

Whimzees dental dog bones are made with an average of 10 ingredients, and feature a ridged design to help keep dog’s teeth clean. They cost $1.41 per bone.

What Consumers Are Saying

“These are great and help my dog’s teeth when there’s stuff stuck in them. I also like that it lasts him a bit and isn’t instantly gone, which can happen a lot with dental treats.” Sarah via Chewy

“Our beagle loves these. He is quite an aggressive chewer and we have found these to be perfect. It takes him some concentrated time and effort to chew these. Loving them.” Murph via Chewy

“Whimzees are my preferred dental chew for our German Shepherd Dog. Chewing time outlasts other brands. Breath also remains fresher than other brands. The chews do not affect her sensitive digestive system.” — ChiPet via Chewy

“My dog adores these things so much I get a smaller size so he can have more than one a day. They do a great job of keeping his teeth and breath clean.” —DogLuv via Chewy

“After one week there was a noticeable difference in my dog’s teeth. Still have one tooth with tartar but may need a brush. Awesome product.” —Bums via Chewy


About the Brand

Merrick dental dog treats are made with 12-15 fresh, real whole foods sourced from local farms, and does not include any artificial flavors or preservatives. They cost roughly $2.27 per bone.

What Consumers Are Saying

My dog loves the power bites and they are just the right size for a small dog!” — TKA3 via Chewy

“My pup, Samson, loves these treats. I appreciate the healthy ingredients. Chicken is the first ingredient so you know there’s a lot of protein instead of fillers. Samson loved the smell of them. Had him begging for more. The treats are a little big for my 10 pound dog, but that’s ok because I break them up into 3 or 4 pieces. Get more treats from the bag that way as well! Highly recommend.” — willal2 via Merrick

“My dog loves these! Grain free is a plus because he has some grain allergies that affect his sensitive skin. Before I even opened these, he was trying to take the whole bag with him! I will definitely be ordering these from Chewy regularly.” — Anonymous via Merrick

“I bought the Beef, Chicken and Rabbit and Sweet potato flavors.I wanted something healthy to give my girls, they get a treat when they are called to come in from outside, they come in and automatically sit and wait for their “cookie.” I used to buy the larger treats but I decided to try these. They are just the perfect size! My girls loved them! I will buy them again and certainly recommend them!” — Josie via Chewy

“My border collies love these treats – I’m happy too as this treat contains L-Carnitine.” —MurphysMom via Chewy

Indigenous Pet Products

About the Brand

These dental health bones for dogs are made with a patented recipe that includes kelp meal, designed to help break down plaque and prevent gingivitis, and contain an average of 12 ingredients. They cost roughly $1.41 per bone.

What Consumers Are Saying

“We started using these 4 years ago. One dog had considerable plaque buildup which then was gone in a few weeks. These were not available during much of the pandemic, and now are more expensive than before. We had to try other “dental chews,” but none worked as well. Do Not Doubt – These get rid of plaque and keep it away. Our two 25 pound dogs each get 1/2 daily after their lunch. They like them so much that they sometimes stop eating their lunch and stand by the pantry where these are stored.” — Cammer via Chewy

“I needed something my dogs like that would combat their bad breath. These are great, both of my dogs love them and their breath is not horrible anymore.” — Kathy via Chewy

“I feel so good giving these treats to my dog who has a very sensitive stomach. I believe they are good for his teeth and his tummy, and he absolutely loves them!” — Suzy via Chewy

“This is a great treat with pumpkin. Also no propylene glycol! (An unhealthy additive in many pet treats).” — Wintermom via Chewy

“My poodle (35 lbs) can barely contain herself as I am making coffee in the morning because as we sit with our cups, she gets the Carrot/Pumpkin dental cookie by Indigenous!!! First one half, then she has to wait for the second half laying in front of her until I give the OK! Then snap and it’s gone!!! I use two sizes, – 1/2 of a large first, then a whole mini in Duck and Apple as a chaser. Her teeth are glistening! She loves these and really chews them completely. They are so delicious.” — PoodleMom via Chewy

Ready to bring Indigenous Pet dental health bones to a pet store near you? Fill out our Distributor Application today to get started!

What Makes a High-Quality Dog Dental Health Bone?

If you’re a distributor within the dog health and wellness space, you already know that the category is rapidly expanding. Retailers are catching onto the fact that consumers want a higher-quality product for their dogs. 

They want their friends to be healthier and live longer. 

One thing has become abundantly clear: pet owners want to know and understand what they’re putting into their dogs’ bodies. Consumers just aren’t buying products with dozens upon dozens of ingredients anymore, and retailers and distributors alike are doing their best to keep up.

Taking care of a dog’s teeth and gums has become a large piece of this focus on overall well-being, and people are looking for the treats and tools they need to keep their dogs’ breath fresh and their teeth free of plaque buildup. 

However, when it comes to the ever-growing category of dog dental health bones, there are plenty of factors to consider when determining whether a bone is truly high-quality and “good” for a dog.

From the ingredients to the design and shape of the bone, it’s critical to know what to look for so that you can ensure stores across the country have the best bones for dogs stocked on shelves. 

At Indigenous Pet Products, it’s our mission and passion to provide the best, science-backed dog dental health bones. To do this, we’ve become intimately familiar with the space, and what is and is not considered a high-quality dog bone. 

In this article, we’ll be outlining what makes a high-quality dog dental health bone, as well as the ingredients that matter most. By the end of the article, you’ll have a clear understanding of what ingredients make up the best dental health bones, and why they matter.

What Makes a High-Quality Dog Dental Health Bone?

A truly well-made dog dental health bone has two key things working together for the good of a dog’s teeth:

  • Functionality
  • Ingredients


When it comes to functionality, this most often means the inclusion of ridges along the bone. There is a common misconception that dry dog food alone will keep a dog’s teeth clean, but that is not the case. Food alone cannot be counted on to clean a dog’s teeth. 

Instead, a ridged dental health bone works to remove plaque on teeth and can help prevent gingivitis. Ridges need to be present on the bone in order to clean the dog’s teeth, which is why dry dog food will not keep them clean: these small kernels have no ridges. 

Most major brands (Greenie’s, Whimzees, Merrick’s, and Indigenous Pet Products) have incorporated these into their designs. 

Some of the other players in the mass market space get a little bit blurred when it comes to quality. In the past, many of them were playing a price game: they could buy their place on shelves regardless of what was inside their product. Now, however, everything is more regulated, and ingredients matter much more. 


When a consumer is reading an ingredients label, if they know what an ingredient is, they are already doing better than most. A good rule of thumb is that if a consumer doesn’t know what something is, or would not eat it themselves, chances are they shouldn’t be giving it to their dog either. 

Common, healthy ingredients for dog dental health bones include:

  • Kelp meal
  • Salmon oil
  • Potato starch
  • Leptin
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Inulin
  • Parsley (for fresh breath)
  • No artificial coloring (fruit juice, tumeric, etc.)
  • Among others

Additionally, less is always more when it comes to ingredients. The ideal number of ingredients in a dental dog bone is eight or fewer to be considered healthy, though many of the key players in the space have not achieved this number yet. 

At Indigenous Pet Products, we are down to about 12-15 ingredients per product and continually working on bringing that number down. Whimzees are down to about ten ingredients, and Greenie’s have about fourteen. 

Anything over twenty ingredients means that the brand is most likely adding in preservatives, which are not good for dogs. These preservatives build up inside the dog over time and don’t always pass. Indigenous Pet Products contain Inulin for this reason: it is a digestive aid that helps the dog process and digest food effectively.


At the end of the day, the more a consumer knows about what’s going into their  dog, the better off they will be. If they can’t understand an ingredient statement, chances are, they should not be giving it to their pet. 

The key things to look for in a high-quality dental dog bone are a ridged design and healthy ingredients. 

These ingredients include:

  • Kelp meal
  • Salmon oil
  • Potato starch
  • Leptin
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Inulin
  • Parsley (for fresh breath)
  • No artificial coloring (fruit juice, tumeric, etc.)
  • Among others

Ready to bring Indigenous Pet dental health bones to a pet store near you? Fill out our Distributor Application today to get started!

The 4 Best USA-Made Dental Dog Bone Brands

As a dog dental health bone distributor, you probably want to be sure that you’re getting the highest quality bones in pet and grocery stores across the country. 

With the market expanding as rapidly as it has, it can be hard to stay on top of what the best brands are, and what you should be prioritizing as you make selections.

At Indigenous Pet Products, it’s our passion and mission to provide USA-made, science-backed dog bones that are not only good for dogs, but clean their teeth using patented ingredients. 

In this article, we’re highlighting the top four best USA-made dental dog bones. By the end of the article, you’ll have a clear understanding of who the key players are within the space, and how they compare to each other. 

We’ll be covering:

  • The best USA-made dental health bone brands
  • How USA-made dental health bones compare to those made in other countries

What are the best USA-made dog dental health bones on the market?

When it comes to USA-made dental dog bones, there are four key players within the space. These include:


It’s almost impossible to be active in the dog dental health bone community without hearing about Greenies dog treats. The brand is responsible for moving about $65 million of dental dog products each year and can be found in just about every big box and boutique pet store across the country. 

Greenies come recommended by the Veterinary Association, something very few pet brands can say, which sets them apart. 

However, Greenies bones can have as many as 30 ingredients in them, many of which the average person will not be able to recognize, and which may not be healthy for dogs. Finally, Greenies products can run anywhere from 300-400 calories per bone, which means a dog should not be eating more than one of them per day. 

When it comes to price, Greenies are priced at a premium at $2.50 per bone and $1.50 per ounce. 


Whimzees dog bones are ridged, and the design of the bone is really what helps to clean a dog’s teeth as they chew. These are high-quality bones, made with roughly 10 ingredients, making them healthy for the dogs to eat.

Whimzees contain no artificial ingredients, flavors or additives and come in a variety of ridged shapes designed to help keep a dog’s teeth clean.

These are priced at roughly $1.41 per bone, making them more affordable than Greenie’s, and with fewer ingredients, an overall higher-quality choice. 


The Merrick Fresh Kisses dental health bones are a new offering from Merrick, one of the leaders in the dog food space. These bones come in a variety of flavors and sizes. 

Merrick dog treats are made with fresh, real whole foods sourced from local farms, and do not include any artificial flavors or preservatives. These bones have roughly 12-15 ingredients in them, many of which are recognizable to the average person and healthy for dogs. 

Fresh Kisses are priced at roughly $2.27 per bone, placing them on the higher end in terms of price. 

Merrick’s dental dog bones cannot be found in big box stores, choosing, like Indigenous Pet products, to prioritize partnerships with smaller, more boutique pet stores. 

Indigenous Pet Products

Indigenous Pet dental health bones for dogs are made with 10 real, recognizable ingredients you can trust. 

Indigenous Pet bones are unique in that they are made with kelp meal, which is designed to work with the dog’s saliva to help break down plaque buildup on teeth and prevent gingivitis.

Our patented recipe ensures that we’re the only pet brand on the market using kelp meal for this purpose, and vets have confirmed a visible improvement after using Indigenous Pet products. 

Our bones come in a variety of sizes, the larger of which can be broken in two and eaten throughout the day, doubling the effects of each bone. 

Indigenous Pet dental health bones are priced at $1.06 per bone, making them affordable as well as incredibly healthy for dogs. 

USA-Made Dental Dog Bones vs. Internationally-Produced Bones

The key differentiator when it comes to dog bones made in the United States is that there are regulations on what can and cannot be in each bone. In addition to those regulations, each ingredient must be clearly labeled on the packaging, so that the consumer knows exactly what is going into their dog’s body. 

There has been a demand in recent years for healthier food and treat options for dogs, and these regulations help ensure that dogs are being provided with those healthy choices. It is more difficult to know what, if any, regulations are in place if you’re sourcing dental dog bones from overseas. 

While there are several European countries with trustworthy dog products, there is currently a distinct lack of trust in bones made in China, due to prior situations of mislabeling of products and ingredients. This resulted in dogs having allergic reactions due to mislabeled or omitted ingredients. 

Consumers need to be able to trust the packaging and ingredients in the items they’re giving their dogs, and choosing USA-made dental dog bones helps ensure that trust is met. 


Greenies: Made with over 30 ingredients, Veterinary Association recommended, $2.50 per bone.

Whimzees: Made with 10 ingredients and a ridged design to help keep dog’s teeth clean. $1.41 per bone.

Merrick: Made with 12-15 fresh, real whole foods sourced from local farms, and does not include any artificial flavors or preservatives. $2.27 per bone.

Indigenous Pet Products: Made with a patented recipe that includes kelp meal, designed to help break down plaque and prevent gingivitis. $1.41 per bone. 

Ready to bring Indigenous Pet dental health bones to a pet store near you? Fill out our Distributor Application today to get started!

Indigenous Pet Dental Health Bones for Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Indigenous Pet Dental Health Bones for Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

A study by the American Veterinary Medical Association found that 80% of dogs show signs of oral disease by age three. 

To prevent this, pet owners should ensure that their dogs are getting the right dental care, including proper dental hygiene at home. 

At Indigenous Pet Products, our passion and purpose is to improve the health, vitality, and happiness of our loyal animal companions. We are committed to the perfect blend of science and nature, and provide dental health bones that make a real difference in a dog’s overall well-being.

In this article, we’re going to explain what Indigenous Pet products are and what they’re made of. By the end of the article, you will have a clear understanding of not only the products and the company, but how Indigenous Pet products compare to other players in the dental dog treat space. 

What are Indigenous Pet Products?

Indigenous Pet Products is a company that offers pet dental bones that are healthy for dogs to eat and good for their teeth. 

Unlike typical bones, which have 30 or more often unrecognizable ingredients, Indigenous Pet bones have 10-15 ingredients, most of which are recognizable. For example, our bones contain things like inulin, potato starch, prebiotics, and kelp meal. Our bones also contain salmon oil, a good source of essential omega-3 fatty acids for a dog’s overall health.

What sets Indigenous Pet Products apart from other pet dental bones is our patented design, which includes kelp meal. Kelp meal is sourced from the North Atlantic around England and, when combined with a dog’s saliva, breaks down plaque on their teeth.

The combination of the patented design and kelp meal has been shown to make a visible difference in a dog’s teeth. Vets have reported a noticeable difference in the teeth of dogs who regularly eat Indigenous Pet bones.

What Ingredients Set Indigenous Pet Dental Health Bones Apart?

At Indigenous Pet Products, we’re dedicated to using healthier ingredients in our bones, which help us stand out among competitors. We add prebiotics and other ingredients commonly found in kid’s foods to our products. 

What’s in Indigenous Pet Dental Health Bones?

      • Inulin, which is a prebiotic that helps a dog’s digestion and prevents bloating.

      • Kelp meal, which has been proven to remove plaque from a dog’s teeth. Indigenous Pet bones are grain-free and gluten-free, which makes them an excellent option for dogs with dietary restrictions.

      • Salmon oil, which is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for a dog’s overall health.

      • No preservatives. There are limited additives or preservatives in our dental health bones, as these are not good for dogs.

    We believe that if a pet owner does not know what the ingredients on the label are, there’s a good chance it is not the healthiest option for their dog.

    Research sponsored by Penford Pet Products confirms that Indigenous Pets unique combination of clean, simple ingredients significantly reduces plaque buildup, gingivitis, and halitosis in over just a 32 day period.  In fact, results show a:

        • 21% reduction in plaque

        • 58% reduction in calculus

        • 47% reduction in halitosis

      How Much Do Indigenous Pet Products Cost?

      Indigenous Pet Products bones retail for $17.99 per bag. This price is largely driven by the healthier ingredients we use, with 90% of the cost being in the ingredients. We source everything in the United States when possible, with the exception of kelp meal and sunflower leptin.

      The minimum order amount for distributors is $1,000.

      How Do Indigenous Pet Products Compare to Competitors?

      Competitors such as Greenies are mass-produced products that are not as healthy for your dog as Indigenous Pets products, though they are carried by mass retailers and boutique pet stores alike. 

      Indigenous Pet Products are in the top 10 Nielsen-rated pet dental health bones. Our products are made in small batches rather than mass produced, and contain ingredients primarily made and manufactured right here in the United States. 

      What is Our Fulfillment Rate?

      The fulfillment rate for Indigenous Pet Products is 98%, with the only exception being when products get damaged during shipping. 

      We have plenty of inventory and no problem filling orders. Indigenous Pet Products ships and distributes nationwide in the United States and also ships to Canada. Customers can enter their zip code on the website to see the stores where they can buy from.

      Which Products are Our Top Sellers?

      Our top-selling items are the Smoked Bacon and Fresh Breath bones, followed by the Chicken bones. 

      We offer a total of nine different pet dental bone products, with our Lamb bones containing the fewest ingredients. 

      Our newest additions to the lineup are the Duck and Apple bones. 

      While our large bones are often our best sellers, we recently introduced mini bones, which are one-quarter the size and ideal for dogs weighing between 3-10 pounds. These smaller bones are designed for daily use, just like their larger counterparts. Our sales rankings reflect the amount of time each product has been available at retail stores.

      Our Approach to Mass Retail 

      We are currently not partnering with mass retailers, and focusing instead on smaller, boutique pet store partnerships, which often align with our dedication to pet health and nutrition. 

      What Are Customers Saying About Indigenous Pet Products?

      Indigenous Pet Products dental health bones were off the shelf for four months in 2021, and customers were eager to buy them as soon as they were back on shelves, which is a testament to the quality and effectiveness of the product, as well as the brand loyalty of our customers. 

      Below is a collection of reviews from customers to give you a better understanding of the impact Indigenous Pet Products have on pets and their owners. 

      “The package came before the estimated date. These dental bones eliminate bad breath and the mini size is perfect for my mini-dachshunds. No more Greenies! Glad I found you!”

      – Karen A.

      “We started using these 4 years ago. One dog had considerable plaque buildup which then was gone in a few weeks. These were not available during much of the pandemic, and now are more expensive than before. We had to try other “dental chews,” but none worked as well. Do Not Doubt – These get rid of plaque and keep it away. Our two 25 pound dogs each get 1/2 daily after their lunch. They like them so much that they sometimes stop eating their lunch and stand by the pantry where these are stored.”

      – Cammer

      “Only teeth cleaning bones my babies will eat. Old English Sheep dog, Pomeranian and St. Bernard all Love these!! Get so excited to see these treats. Love that I can break down so my Pomeranian can enjoy too.”

      –Opie L.
      Ready to bring Indigenous Pet dental health bones to a pet store near you? Fill out our Distributor Application today to get started!